Remote training
Perks of online training:
Allows you to get the help you need without leaving the comfort of your home
Great for those living in rural areas or outside of our service area
Cost effective!
Scheduling flexibility
How will it work?
People often think that online consults are not as effective as in-person ones, but the truth is, they are and in some cases can be even more beneficial, like in the case of dogs who are fearful of strangers.
Remote sessions allow us to coach you, give you the necessary tools, and implement any necessary management techniques to work with your dog. We can coach you through the exercises (we may use our dogs as demo-dogs or send you videos!) and we will create specific training plans for you to help achieve your goals.
Conferencing apps are the way of the future! We generally use Zoom, which is a free service but we can also use Skype, or Facetime if those are your preferences.
After our session, you will receive personalized step by step homework and notes on everything that we covered during our session. As always, unlimited email support is offered between sessions.
Rates & packages
All behaviour consults must start with a 90 min consultation
during this time we'll conduct a behaviour evaluation, discuss your goals, begin training and implement any necessary management
Once the behaviour evaluation is completed, your trainer can better discuss how many classes/which package may suit your needs best.
Initial Consult/assessment: 90 min $120+tax
$90 + tax for subsequent sessions (60 minutes)
Payments can be made via e-transfer or PayPal for international customers.